Addictions Supportive Housing is a partnership between ADAPT, Summit Housing (LHIN 4,) and Support and Housing Halton (LHIN 6). The program provides support and services to clients in recovery who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or inadequately housed. Each participant receives a full package of clinical/support services, as well as a housing subsidy.
ADAPT’s ASH program holds 14 subsidies in the Mississauga/Halton LHIN, and 17 in LHIN 4 Burlington. The housing subsidy is active for a period of 12-18 months, and is based on need. The program provides intensive outreach services, with case managers who support clients in their recovery and the move to successful, independent living. Clients must be stable enough in their recovery and their mental health status, within the program’s time- frame, to be considered for independent living. Each client receives individual support, as well as participating in 15 life skills courses that assist in their growth and attaining independence.