
For many years, the volunteers at ADAPT have greatly enriched our treatment program and the experience of our clients. Through ADAPT’s client surveys, group participants have consistently indicated that the greatest contribution of our agency’s volunteers is in enhancing their hope and belief that they can be successful in their own journey and goals.

It is our belief that volunteering at ADAPT provides individuals with opportunities to grow, to learn, and to derive a sense of satisfaction from their involvement.

Volunteers’ contributions are greatly appreciated by the ADAPT Board of Directors, staff and, most importantly, by the clients whose lives they support.

“… being a volunteer at ADAPT….many of us are in various stages of recovery. We understand what it feels like to walk away from a lifestyle, and to begin making meaningful changes and choices. We understand that it is not easy….we also know that a substance and/or gambling free lifestyle can result in positive change. We have also learned how to make these good, reasoned choices. ….

“I remember all the volunteers who were there when I was in the early stages of recovery, or when I as a member of a group. I listened to what they had to say, not because they had the knowledge about addiction that the counselors had, but because they had been there. They understood what it took to do what I was trying to do. When they said things would get better, I believed them. When they offered their perspective on dealing with difficult situations, I listened. More often than not, they were right on target…. they provided me with the confidence in knowing that I wasn’t alone….

“Something else that is special happens when you share of yourself with others in a recovery-based setting. Not only do clients learn from your experiences, but you learn from them as well. As you help others and learn about their lives, you continue to learn about yourself. As clients begin to grow in their recovery, you cannot help but reaffirm your commitment to your own growth. It is a wonderful, often unexpected, reward.”


(former ADAPT volunteer)

To inquire about volunteering opportunities, please contact the Human Resources at volunteer@haltonadapt.org.